Why Are We So Scared?

We just finished a very successful series in student ministries centered around this concept of fear called, "fearless." Each week we talked about different things that cast fear into our lives. I really got to think about the series and realized just how scared we are.

When you think about it, all of our biggest roadblocks stem directly from fear. So many of us have a fear of being transparent, we have a fear of being wrong, we have a fear of being alone, we have a fear of the unknown and much much more.

I want to pose a question... What does it look like to be fearless...

Now I want you to close your eyes and imagine someone in your head who you see as close as possible to bring fearless... Maybe it is a quiet, confident and conserved woman, perhaps it is a very muscular battle scarred warrior.

Maybe they look like this...

Or maybe you think they look like this....

But now, what I want you to do is get both of those pictures out of your head and pretend in your head you are looking into a mirror. FEAR is something that YOU effect. People are not willing too many times to conquer their own fears. If you are scared of being uncomfortable, make yourself uncomfortable. If you are scared of being transparent, tell someone close to you what is going on in your heart.

The worst thing that can happen is you get burnt, in which case you get back up, brush the dirt off, and go at it again.

Just know that you are not going to be able to conquer these fears on your own. 1 John 4:18 says, "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear". Let me tell you what ladies and gents... perfect love only comes from perfect selflessness. We need to stop being scared, and start living fearlessly...