You Spend Every Moment...

In John Ortberg's Book, Life You've Always Wanted he tells us a story about his youngest daughter Malory. Malory was just a few years old and John was helping her take a bath, when the unexpected happened. As she finished her bath Malory ran in to her room lacking clothes and started singing, De Dah, De Dah, De Dah. John followed closely behind as she continued belting her tune... De Dah, De Dah, De Dah. John then did what most parents at this point would do and he simply told Malory to stop. She responded with a quick and simple answer, Why? John Ortberg was baffled, then gradually he came to the conclusion that he honestly didn't know why. From that very moment he had decided that you spend every moment either living or waiting to live.

This is a great point and a valuable lesson. This is something I tried to remind myself over and over again going in to this summer. I talk a lot of exploring and adventures, but it's one thing to talk about it and another thing to DO IT. I therefore decided that this summer I was going to quit waiting to live and just simply... live.

Already I have done some really exciting things out here in Arizona, with a couple more on the way. To be honest I haven't had a whole lot of free time, but with the time I have had open, here are a couple of things I have been able to experience this summer:

1 - Rock Climbing - There is nothing more exciting than hanging from a rock over 70 feet in the air. This week I got to climb this incredible cliff that hung right over a beautiful lake. I got this exhilarating feeling over my whole body and just hung there for a second to look at the view and remind myself how incredible God is.

2 - Throwing Clay
- As part of Melissa and my weekly date night, I decided to surprise her and take her to this cool place called Desert Dragon Pottery. I know what you are thinking, what a perfect opportunity to act out that scene from the movie "Ghost." Well it was a ton of fun, and I think I may even be a natural!

3 - Phoenix Zoo
- It was real neat finally seeing a new Zoo. Although it was hot, Meliss and I got to hang out with some Giraffes, get up close and personal with some Apes, and have hours of awesome conversation!


This Friday a couple of us are going to take the ten mile trek to this incredible waterfall called Havasupai Falls nestled into the Grand Canyon. We're going to camp out under the falls and then hike out the next day. It's going to be tough, but from what I hear this place is completely worth it. In a week in a half I will be heading to the California Coast, and then shortly after that I will be visiting Sedona and Las Vegas.

I truly believe that God designed us for adventure. He did not design us for the mediocre lives that most of us are living. Get out there and talk to a stranger, do something to get your blood pumping, do something to show you're not afraid. At this point you have two options; you can sit at home, and never quite live or you can really truly ask yourself, have you had a De Dah day lately?

Continuously Molded

I figured just before bed I would give you a quick post, I have to get up a little early to go to the Phoenix Zoo with Meliss!

So let's get in to it! I want to tell you that I am absolutely pumped that they are going to give me an opportunity this summer to speak to the high school group. I have never spoken to a group quite this large. It's an awesome opportunity to just allow God to do what he does best. Anyway, on June 28th I am kicking off this series called "Made." The center of my message will be around this idea of being molded by the people and experiences around you. I'll be talking a little bit about how I've had some pretty crappy potters mold me in the past and talking about how the "Master Potter" has truly shaped me in to something awesome. It has given me a great opportunity to sit back and ask myself, who have I been molded by? It truly made me realize that God has not been doing it solo.

The longer I'm out in Phoenix, the more I am just encouraged by the incredible people who have helped mold me over the last 5 years, to get me here to begin with. Actually just this month it's been 5 quick years since I let my life be ruined, controlled and given meaning. If it wasn't for the dedication of my youth pastor, Matt Silver, I would have never gone to church, let alone decided I wanted to go in to ministry! If it wasn't for the dedication of my youth coaches back then (Noonan, Finney etc...) I would not have stayed nearly as faithful. If it wasn't molded by my mentor Bob Connor, I would have had a hard time seeing what truly living out one's faith looks like. I have had guys like Chris Pick and Ryan O' Rourke who have showed me the kind of man of Christ that I aspire to be someday. I have the best bunch of friends the world has to offer, my whole Eastern Crew has shown me what loving your neighbor really looks like. If it wasn't for my CCV family I would never have know what the power of hundreds of people serving God looks like. I have had several moms when one just isn't a enough sometimes, Mary, Jess, Meg and Mama C! I have gotten the opportunity to work on the ccv staff with people who are doing exactly what God wants them to be doing at CCV. If it wasn't for Brian Jones, I know a lot of these people wouldn't be where they are today. I now know the kind of place and type of people I want to work with for the rest of my life. Of course foremost I am being constantly molded and inspired by the beautiful Melissa who continues to blow my mind every single day. And Lastly I have always been molded and cared for by the most awesome family. If it wasn't for my mom's patience and trust, my dad's discipline and hard work, my brother to wrestle with and vent to, and my sister to lean on when things really sucked I would not be half the man that I am now. That's not even counting the dozens of aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents who have always had my back.

All of that to say just this one last thing:

I have been molded in so many ways by so many people. This list could go on and on and on. If I didn't say your name, don't be discouraged, these are all just examples of SOME of the people who have changed my life. I am the most blessed person I know. From time to time people will tell me how proud they are of who I have become. The funny thing is I have just become the man that all of the right people have molded me to be! (with some incredible precision work from my father above)

So from me to you, I just want to say Thank You. No words could explain what you all mean to me.

A Change in Direction

To this point, coming to Arizona has already been a very special gift. I was always wondering before my trip what it would change. I knew I was going to be stretched in several ways right from the beginning. I knew it would be a very different thing being semi-independent with only Melissa to count on (in person anyway). I also knew it would be a lot of change stepping in to a church that is so large.

But those are not the things that have challenged me the most.

The one thing that has been the most incredible and hardest transition has also been a huge lesson in humility. My internship back in PA was a little bit different than most internships. With Matt being called down to Maryland I was given an amount of responsibility that in all honesty I probably wasn't ready for yet. As tough as that was, being thrown in to the fire taught me more than I could have ever learned any other way, and for that I am thankful. I was challenged in speaking and in leading many different activities and groups. The challenge I am faced with here is a little bit of the opposite.

Out here in Arizona I am now given the task of following, the task of listening, the task of giving my hands. In many ways it is pretty similar to my internship at CIY. It's leadership but from the bottom up, servant leadership. I have already felt in my heart the desire to speak, to know the answers and to lead. I hope that God continues to soften me and to smack me when I feel like deserve more than nothing.

Jesus was an incredible leader and obviously spoke to the masses. We forget sometimes that the strongest moment in Jesus leadership was when he got on his knees and taught to wash feet.

12When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. "Do you understand what I have done for you?" he asked them. 13"You call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord,' and rightly so, for that is what I am. 14Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. 15I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. 16I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. 17Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them. - John 13:12-17

Another Great Burger

Today was a great day, I got to experience something that was very special. A bunch of guys went out to In-N-Out Burger today for lunch.

If you have never been to In-N-Out, then you are missing out. It is a Christian run organization, kind of like Chic-Filet. They have awesome food, hard workers and John 3:16 printed on the bottom of their cups!

See, I have never been to In-N-Out, so to juice goodness of a burger for lunch was definitely a plus for the day. It's a shame that I have been running every day since I have been out in Arizona, the burger was a bit counterproductive. But anyway, I'm sure I will continue to experience many more new and exciting things while I'm out here! I'll try to keep my peeps back in PA in the loop. CYA!

Ps. I got this sweet hat there, can't wait to sport it off back home!