Continuously Molded

I figured just before bed I would give you a quick post, I have to get up a little early to go to the Phoenix Zoo with Meliss!

So let's get in to it! I want to tell you that I am absolutely pumped that they are going to give me an opportunity this summer to speak to the high school group. I have never spoken to a group quite this large. It's an awesome opportunity to just allow God to do what he does best. Anyway, on June 28th I am kicking off this series called "Made." The center of my message will be around this idea of being molded by the people and experiences around you. I'll be talking a little bit about how I've had some pretty crappy potters mold me in the past and talking about how the "Master Potter" has truly shaped me in to something awesome. It has given me a great opportunity to sit back and ask myself, who have I been molded by? It truly made me realize that God has not been doing it solo.

The longer I'm out in Phoenix, the more I am just encouraged by the incredible people who have helped mold me over the last 5 years, to get me here to begin with. Actually just this month it's been 5 quick years since I let my life be ruined, controlled and given meaning. If it wasn't for the dedication of my youth pastor, Matt Silver, I would have never gone to church, let alone decided I wanted to go in to ministry! If it wasn't for the dedication of my youth coaches back then (Noonan, Finney etc...) I would not have stayed nearly as faithful. If it wasn't molded by my mentor Bob Connor, I would have had a hard time seeing what truly living out one's faith looks like. I have had guys like Chris Pick and Ryan O' Rourke who have showed me the kind of man of Christ that I aspire to be someday. I have the best bunch of friends the world has to offer, my whole Eastern Crew has shown me what loving your neighbor really looks like. If it wasn't for my CCV family I would never have know what the power of hundreds of people serving God looks like. I have had several moms when one just isn't a enough sometimes, Mary, Jess, Meg and Mama C! I have gotten the opportunity to work on the ccv staff with people who are doing exactly what God wants them to be doing at CCV. If it wasn't for Brian Jones, I know a lot of these people wouldn't be where they are today. I now know the kind of place and type of people I want to work with for the rest of my life. Of course foremost I am being constantly molded and inspired by the beautiful Melissa who continues to blow my mind every single day. And Lastly I have always been molded and cared for by the most awesome family. If it wasn't for my mom's patience and trust, my dad's discipline and hard work, my brother to wrestle with and vent to, and my sister to lean on when things really sucked I would not be half the man that I am now. That's not even counting the dozens of aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents who have always had my back.

All of that to say just this one last thing:

I have been molded in so many ways by so many people. This list could go on and on and on. If I didn't say your name, don't be discouraged, these are all just examples of SOME of the people who have changed my life. I am the most blessed person I know. From time to time people will tell me how proud they are of who I have become. The funny thing is I have just become the man that all of the right people have molded me to be! (with some incredible precision work from my father above)

So from me to you, I just want to say Thank You. No words could explain what you all mean to me.