Knocked Out by the Spirit

I am so sorry if you are on my blog looking for something insightful or deep, but you are not getting it today. My good friend Jeremy Morelock just showed me a YOUTUBE video that made me laugh a whole lot.

Disclaimer - I believe that God can work in incredible and mysterious ways, I am in no way mocking the ability of the Spirit to heal people. HOWEVER, I also think this guy is crazy. Enjoy.

Bad Taste in my Mouth

I saw a picture today when I was reading the daily yahoo news that really put a bad taste in my mouth. I wrote a post a while ago of people having hope in the wrong things or people, I think this picture pretty much summed up everything that I had to say. Perhaps the photographer didn't mean to do this intentionally, but is it just me, or does this look like a halo?

Pastors Mess Up Too?

I know it is a hard idea to wrap your mind around, but pastors are in fact human! I just thought I would share a couple of those minutes of weakness with the whole world do that they might see the truth! This might in turn safe people from expecting their pastors to be superman!

I don't mean to lower the expectations of of people upon their ministry leadership... but sometimes you just have to put the truth out there and hope for the best! I would like to share you a couple of famous quotes I have heard lately.

Our first mess up coming in at 3rd is from a very charismatic preacher who made a very key mistake, and did not have as easy of a time picking up the pieces! Tell me what you think?

The next mess up comes from a preacher who had a little something else on his mind the day he was preaching! He did a pretty good job recovering if you ask me...

Coming in 1st place is our very own Pastor Brian Jones. He is actually introducing to us a new profession that he was thinking about going in to that involved fire engines and passing gas? Check it out HERE.

Partial Christianity Doesn't Work

If you were to ask me what the most counterproductive aspect of the Christian faith is, I would tell you that it is Partial Christians. Too many times the motions of the average Christian is completely deprived of the word ACTION.

I gave a 20 minute message on Sunday night about the life of Paul, and about how when he was healed by Ananias he then made an ALL or NOTHING decision about following Jesus. As we have come to find, Paul, in that instance decided to choose ALL.

The problem I see today is that the majority of Christians want to follow Jesus, but only so far. Going 50% for Jesus until things get too hard, complicating or uncomfortable simply does not work for me. We do not see following Jesus as an ALL or NOTHING ordeal.

I with shame say that I am one of those Christians, and I feel convicted. Every year I do this cleanup trip in Chester, Pennsylvania, and I can't help but ask really hard questions. It's hard for me to know I am going to school down on the Main Line (One of the wealthiest areas in Pennsylvania) less than 15 minutes from the poorest. You know 70% of all Americans say that they are Christians. 70%. Do you have any idea what 70% of 280 million people following Christ would look like if more people were choosing a faith that is all or nothing? I will tell you that it looks nothing like it looks right now. I am sick of partial Christianity.

Perhaps you are familiar with the Invisible Children movement that has happened around the country over the last couple of years. It is a large group of people who are taking a stand for the abduction of child soldiers in Uganda. They are doing everything they can from going over there, to giving support right from home. I was watching the latest video they released today and I could not help but feel so hurt inside that there are not enough people helping such an ungodly thing from happening. I suggest you please watch the FULL video HERE. There are people who are sacrificing so that someone else may have a better life, so someone else may see and follow Jesus.

Check out an update of the situation in this video:

Following Jesus ALL the way is hard. It just downright sucks sometimes. Regardless, it is what we are called to do. I'm tired of the excuse, "Well someone people are called to do that, but I am called to do this." That may be true in some ways, but we are all called to get off our lazy butts and take action in any way, shape or form.

When I continue talking about the all or nothing mentality that Paul had, we see the different hardships that he went through in 1 Corinthians 11:23-31:

"Are they servants of Christ?... I have worked much harder, been in prison more frequently, been flogged more severely, and been exposed to death again and again. 24Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. 25Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea, 26I have been constantly on the move. I have been in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from my own countrymen, in danger from Gentiles; in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger at sea; and in danger from false brothers. 27I have labored and toiled and have often gone without sleep; I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without food; I have been cold and naked...

But If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness. The God and Father of the Lord Jesus, who is to be praised forever."

Paul went through all of that, and continues to Praise his name, not only in words or worship, but through action.

The faith of a Christian must CONSTANTLY be paired with the word ACTION.

Invisible Children has opened up tons of doors and ideas on how to join their movement. I suggest you watch the movie, and consider joining me in a small donation of $3 a week as a part of their TRI movement to help them with their continuing mission. What stupid stuff have you bought for more than $3 this week?

Time for Action is now.

Florida Adventure, PART 1

So for all of my friends and family digging themselves out of all the snow, I thought I would share a little warmth from good ol' Florida! I just want to share a few highlights from my trip and a couple of pictures to go along with it. This trip has been a much needed vacation for my soul!

The trip started with snow, but rained pretty much the whole way down. I took the 6am - 10:30am shift to drive the jeep. During that time we were in a tornado watch, at one point I had to put on the four ways, and guess where the road was.

We stopped at an awesome restaurant in New Smyrna Florida, where Bryan's mom lived to grab some awesome food. The only time the sun came out is when we finally made it to West Palm Beach, only to find it was absolutely beautiful there.

I didn't waste any time to get in my shorts and flip flops. We spent the next two days at the beach.

After the beach yesterday, I had the best burger of my life at Cheeburger Cheeburger. We also met our waiter, Alex. He didn't like his job, so we offered him some encouraging words!

The water was warmer than I think it ever gets in Jersey, so that was nice too. I forgot I was wearing my sunglasses and lost them to the Atlantic. But it still felt reaaaal good in that water!

We also did a little jam session on the beach with the guitar and the djembe. I had to hand it over so I could film, but I had a blast doing it! It doesn't get much better... Check out the video.

Although it is warm and beautiful here... I wouldn't trade it with hanging out with all of the people I love at home ever! I look forward to seeing you all when I get back! Thank you all for giving me the opportunity to have a little "me" time.

-Love and Adventure

God, Where Should I Go?

As I quickly approach graduation there becomes more and more blanks that need to be filled in. The problem is, at this point you start to have a countdown timer on when these blanks need to be filled in. Here are just a couple of the questions that remain unanswered.

What will I do?
What do I really feel passionate about doing?
How much will I need to be paid to pay back student loans?
What else do I need money for?
Who is coming with me?
Will I need an apartment?

And even more importantly...

What does God want me to do, and where does he want me?

We ask this question so many times in our lives, yet for some reason we expect some type of lightning bolt to shoot out of the sky engraving the location we should go into a rock in the back yard. I guess I've kind of been waiting for my lightning bolt. Instead of doing it that way, I want to explore some questions we can ask to begin to understand more thoroughly where God wants us to go.

1 - Where do you want to be?

This is a question that many times can get overseen. Or perhaps we meet this question, and assume that is selfish of us to want to go somewhere when there is a need somewhere else. I personally believe that God works in many ways. For some people it is making them very uncomfortable. If you haven't been uncomfortable, then I believe that you may be very limited in your understanding and dependence on God. Perhaps you know what it is to be uncomfortable, and it is simply a matter of being happy where you go to do either ministry or your own daily ministry at your own job. This has been a very important question to me because I want to be selfish. I want to go somewhere WARM. I am actually writing this post from West Palm Beach, Florida in Starbucks. I look around, and know that I would be very effective in this area because I enjoy the warmth. That can't be enough though. I also look around and see that these people have money, and yet something is lacking. There is a need. When it is a place you enjoy, and there is also a need, that is a clear option for the future.

2 - Where is God opening doors?
This is a very important question. What may be even more important is asking the question of why is God closing certain doors. At times God has a funny way of manipulating the direction we go in. I know that most of us at any given time can look back and go "if (fill in the blank) didn't happen, then (fill in the blank) certainly would not have happened! What this does NOT mean is that we have to look for some deep meaning every time we miss some opportunity, or have another one offered. We do however have to prayerfully be looking at opportunities that God seems to be pointing at with a large neon sign.

3 - Where are wise and loving friends and mentors pointing us?
There are so many variables to think about when looking at where to start your ministry. Unfortunately we weigh our own point of view to the max, and the others are easily drowned out. We need to be quick to listen and slow to speak when it comes to listening to what people who love us are telling us. A new point of view on the whole situation can be very helpful from someone who knows and loves you. They can be a very helpful judge of the whole situation without your own personal bias.

Ultimately there are a couple things we need to remember that are of incredible importance. Regardless of whether we go where God was pointing us, we will be used. God does not give up on your life's purpose just because you went a direction you possibly should not have. No matter where you go, God is with you. Another thing to keep in mind is that WHERE we are will never be as important as WHO we are. James 4:13-14 says:

"Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money." Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes."

Our lives on this earth are just a blink of an eye in the view of eternity. What will make the difference will be if you truly loved the people who you ended up spending your time with like Jesus has taught, regardless of where you are. That brings hope. These are some good (starter) questions to help you go in the right direction. Even the wrong directions can bring out the most incredibly fulfilling life if you are truly thinking about the WHO, and not the WHERE.