Pastors Mess Up Too?

I know it is a hard idea to wrap your mind around, but pastors are in fact human! I just thought I would share a couple of those minutes of weakness with the whole world do that they might see the truth! This might in turn safe people from expecting their pastors to be superman!

I don't mean to lower the expectations of of people upon their ministry leadership... but sometimes you just have to put the truth out there and hope for the best! I would like to share you a couple of famous quotes I have heard lately.

Our first mess up coming in at 3rd is from a very charismatic preacher who made a very key mistake, and did not have as easy of a time picking up the pieces! Tell me what you think?

The next mess up comes from a preacher who had a little something else on his mind the day he was preaching! He did a pretty good job recovering if you ask me...

Coming in 1st place is our very own Pastor Brian Jones. He is actually introducing to us a new profession that he was thinking about going in to that involved fire engines and passing gas? Check it out HERE.