Whom shall I fear?

Right now I am right backstage in the middle of the last Set for the band for the whole conference. Some words to the song Never Let Go just rocked my world... "If my God is with me, whom shall I fear?" Lets all answer that right now... whom shall we fear? When you think of something let me know... oh man, God is so good...

Welcome to Tennessee...

I know it has been quite some time since my last post, but it has been real crazy in these closing few weeks on tour. I am now in Cleveland, Tennessee for the second week of conferences here. Last was a really fun week. Two major things are first of all the incredible connection I had made with this one youth group from Florida. I am the head of the Welcoming committee, which welcomes all of the churches as they arrive on location. We hop in their van/bus and pray for them, and chill with them, and take them outside to play stupid games, it's awesome. Any who, I met this one youth group, Harbor Side Church from Florida. I ended up really hitting it off with a bunch of kids from their youth group (pictured left). Throughout the week I ended up doing security on their hall, which means I got to go and hang out with them at the end of every night. I will always remember these guys. They were genuine guys, who were really searching for their identity in Christ. It was heartbreaking to watch them find it throughout the week. Another thing that happened throughout the week was some K-9 intruders in the night. While all of the kids were out at Youth group time after celebration, there had been two loose pit bulls that came loose on our campus. They ended up biting two students, then getting punched in the face by a youth pastor. Of course dozens of cops show up with guns drawn screaming for kids to get into the buildings. Of course they thought what I had originally thought, "oh crap, someone is shooting up the campus." But luckily it was only dogs. So the police of Cleveland, Tennessee who very obviously had nothing better to do began terrorizing our campus for over an hour before shooting one of the dogs. You can imagine after hearing a gunshot on campus that many of the kids were scared to death, let me just tell you that was a long night of security. I finally got to bed at 2am. At the end of the week I also got to go to this Beautiful waterfall near North Carolina, and just catch up and get ready for this next week. So on to this week... the whole feel of this week has been completely different. It's really weird knowing this is the last time I am going to be doing all of this. To top it off, this is also our biggest crowed packing the gym at just under 1600 teens. I can't help but feel whats is going on in the room. I can't help but have my heart broken hundreds of times a week. I can't help but listen to the cries of high school kids and ignore them. Take tonight for example... It was the night where the students wrote their hurts out on these giant clear walls, that went together to make a isolation chamber that two ladies will sit in all night and pray for. I feel so much pain every time I read them. I don't know how you can't. Just an example of some of the stuff on the wall... "Kidnapped and raped, 02/03/2004; molestation; broken home; my family hates me; I want to end it all, please someone stop me; no one knows I exist; I'm tired of being... alone... " All you can do is place your hand there, and pray for them, and feel for them. Then worship starts up. The band screams out, "so come home running, His arms are open wide". I look around. I see hundreds of kids in absolute tears, which groups of people all around them with a hand on their shoulders. I see that every night, I feel that every night. Sometimes you just don't know what to do with that. The incredible thing is , come Friday, the mood changes, and then it all comes together. On Friday they sing "shout Unto God" And if you know the song, then you know what I am talking about. The lyrics say "the enemies been defeated, death couldn't hold you down, we're gonna life out voice in victory, we're gonna make our praises loud". All of the kids have their fist in the air. They're fired up. They're mad at what Satan has done to their homes; done to their families; done to their youth group; done to their friendships; done to their lives... done to them... With a final roar, one of the band members screams at the top of his lungs, and the kids just go insane for Christ. I see this happen... every... single... Friday... And it will never change the impact of it, no matter how many times I see it. But what does this do to my life, what does that do to me. What Am I going to take home from all of this. I guess When you are surrounded by these teens all the time, you can do nothing but serve. I'm not quite sure who I am going to be when I go back home to Pa, but I know I am not the same as yesterday. Yesterday I was not the same as the day before. I mean, how can I? How can you see so much pain, so much joy, so many broken hearts, and ever be the same? I know something I need to take away from all of this, is that we can't sit back, and watch Christianity happen. There is hurt EVERYWHERE, Just because it isn't written on a panel, doesn't mean I am not constantly surrounded by it. We all have a call to GO, and what I mean is get off your butt. Make yourself uncomfortable. And get into peoples lives. Find the hurt. And help them wipe it clean. I can only imagine what one of those panels would look like if it sat inside my church. If it sat in my school. If it sat in my own house. I guess sometimes you feel so convicted of what our call is that you can't stay quiet. My accountability partner and I created a campaign that we joke about, but take completely seriously at the same time. It's called our "no excuses campaign." I keep thinking it's going to be a huge difference when I go home. The more I think about it. Yeah, I will be a thousand miles away from here. No, I won't have a band. No, I won't have hundreds of thousands of dollars of stereo equipment although I wouldn't mind. And No, I will not be surrounded by thousands of teens a week. But the same ministry will still happen. Having the heart of a servant is an incredibly hard thing to actually hold in your chest, but it's what we're called to find, and use... every... single... waking... minute...

So the end is in sight, I get to see my beautiful lady in less then two weeks, and have my mommas home cooking in a little over three weeks. I can't say I'm not excited. But I have to give these last few days everything I possess. Thanks for reading. Please keep praying. It;s power I can't begin to explain.

Doulos... His Servant... His Slave,

I'm running...

So don't be mislead by the name of this post. When I tell you I'm running, I don't want you to get the idea that I am running from, but more like running to. I guess there comes a point in the summer where things start to become a job. The days start to get long. And some of the excitement begins to somewhat hinder away. I guess I am also at the point where I am just not going to allow that to happen. I have been lucky enough to have a few very incredible conversations in the last few nights. Last night I got to talk to a very close friend who is also an accountability partner. We were just exchanging our extreme passions for persuing Christ, and how it's going to be a scary thing to head back to school because neither of us want to change who we have become this summer. We were talking about running. Not just normal running, but running like when you are being chased by something real big. Or running like when you first see your girlfriend in the terminal for the first time in three months, or running like you would in a 100m sprint. No distractions. You are just looking strait at your goal, and nothing can stop you. Of course the run is always that much better when you have those running around you. This summer has been real hard. I just spent another night of an hour of sleep, packing the truck, than 14 more hours in the van. Only to leave again in a few days for Eastern Tennessee. It's easy to be brought down when those that surround you may not share the same passions, or atleast not to the same degree. It just takes some time to figure out who those people are that are running with you. I have been spending the last few days figuring out who those people are. And God has clearly showed me that, it's incredible. It couldn't come at a better time as well. Work has been hard. I had to take over the back stage manager position on the last 2 days of the last conference, as well as my own work load because my teamate had to go to a wedding. And then to top things off I am not finding out that I don't have the money to go to Eastern next semester. AND to top all of that off, I really want a home cooked meal... real bad! Hah. I know it's not as big as the others, but man I could go for it. But in the midst of all these problems I am truly finding out the benefits to being disciplined in my faith. It's reallyt an incredible feeling when you take a lot of that dependance off of yourself, and lay it on God's shoulders. Let me just throw it out there that he is definately better at dealing with it than I am. However it is a scary thought of not being able to pay for school this next year. God's provision has never failed me before. What usually happens is I don't trust Him, he comes through, and then I feel like an idiot. Granted, how he does things isn't always how I want or expect, but he pulls through. Doubt is a killer... I am tired of doubt. If anything though, I do believe in the power of prayer, so if you could help contribute, it would mean the world. So on a side note, I got to watch fireworks over Lake Michigan. It was a really cool show, and I was around a lot of really cool people. Unfortunately though, all of the Bible College students that have traveled with us all summer so far have parted ways. I don't know if I will see any of them again, but they have definately made a large impact in my life. If you are wondering what the BC Staff do, is they come and work for C.I.Y. in exchange we advertize their school at our events. They usually travel with a group all summer, but they are heading to a bigger event in Illinois. There were 10 of them from 5 schools, I'm really glad they were with us this summer. So alas, the end is somewhat in sight. We have one location left. We are heading to Lee University on Thursday for two weeks before we finish up in Joplin for a week or so. I need to let God use me to make this the most incredible two weeks ever. I will try to do a few more posts when I get there. Thanks for reading.

In Him,

Ohhhh, I get it!

So I guess this post has one purpose. Today was a verrrrry long day. It was our first day of conferences here at Holland. In my last post I posed the question as to why God was putting these certain people into my life. Well I think I am starting to understand the answer there. HOWEVER. It's late, and I have been up since who knows when, I will post the conclusion to this e-mail as soon as I can. Today was simply uncredible. From forming new relationtiops, to working with ones I have. Between praying with a bunch of teens all day, to really going crazy during worship, it has been one heck of a day... and I thank my King of Kings for it all... Let me tell you, regardless of what happens, your days are like you let them be... I mean that. To be continued.... Peace and Love.


On the road again...

Well here I sit in the quaint little town of Holland Michigan. We're pretty North here right off of lake Michigan. We drove for 14 hours on Thursday, even though it felt like 29791797493 hours. We arrived a day early on purpose, one, so that we didn't have to spend another pointless random day in the office, and two, so that we could get to know the area we would be working in this week. Part of us getting to know the area was of course, hitting the beach! Now the funny thing here is I thought the same thing you were thinking when I said the word beach. Oh... He's at the lake, I guess you could call that a beach. WRONG. This beach looked like any other beach I have seen on the ocean minus the bigger waves. So it was a really nice thing to be able to do, just to relax before two very hard days. If you know me at all, you know how much I love being able to hit the beach. So on Saturday and Sunday we unloaded the truck and set up the stage and lights, sound, etc... This was a HUGE unload, and there was only a few of us. It took sooooo much time, and soooo much hard work. I am so exhausted from setting up for two days strait. I'm glad we got some free time tonight before the conference starts tomorrow. Once again, I am the extraverted people person, so I am automatically in charge of the welcoming committee. I love that job to tell you te truth. I'm not sure if I've explained it before, but it so fun to jump into some random church van right when they get to CIY and just pray with them, then tear them out of the van and give them all kind of games to play. I guess my personality fits the job right. But lets go ahead and talk about this for one second. If you are reading this blog, you most likely have an idea of my personality. I love people, I love to talk and interact with people, I guess I thought I was pretty likeable. Well, for some reason, God keeps putting a certain kind of person in my life. This last year my roomate was the polar oposite. I didn't think he liked well...people... he was just mean... but not to everyone... but he was to me. He hated extraverted, free spirited people. It was nearly impossible for me all year to live with him... I really thought that he just hated happiness altogether, but he is a human just like the rest of us, there has to be a reason for it. It's really hard when I run into people like that who just openly don't like you. I always wondered why God would room me wiith someone like that. I guess you could say I was pretty excited to get away from that after the semester.. ONLY TO HAVE THE SAME THING HAPPEN TO ME THIS SUMMER. The guy I am working with, and traveling with all summer has a lot of the same qualities. It has been hard for me to get along with him since I have gotten here. I guess another problem is my mentality of the whole thing. Why would someone just not like people just because they talk, or are outgoing? Why is it the only two people I have ever met that I couldn't get along with if I tried have been roomates? What does God feel about these relationships? What does loving this person look like? I am tired of asking these questions every single day. I've tried and tried and tried, and just continue to get treated like crap. And you know how it goes, when one person with a bully attitude thinks they can treat you that way, so can others... I know God couldn't want it like this....There have been times this summer where I have almost decided to not talk anymore. Join the club of people who keep to themselves and just speak when they have something really important to say, but I guess that's just not me. Ever had anyone just hate you for no reason? Ever hated your own personality at times because of it? I wouldn't even write it in here if it wasn't effecting me. I still am going to stick with the beliefs of knowingn God gave me this personality so I can talk to kids without feeling scared or nervous. I guess I was given one of the spiritual gifts of evangelism... Just not sure why these people are in my life, and how I am supposed to react to them... I do know that God is good though. It is certainly time to keep my head clear, and prepare for another week of broken hearts. Please keep me in your prayers, I will need all of them. and PLEASE. If you have something going on in your life, please let me pray for you as well. It is a few people that are reading these, and it's people very close to me. It's some powerful stuff, I do know that. Thank you. In Him.
