I'm running...

So don't be mislead by the name of this post. When I tell you I'm running, I don't want you to get the idea that I am running from, but more like running to. I guess there comes a point in the summer where things start to become a job. The days start to get long. And some of the excitement begins to somewhat hinder away. I guess I am also at the point where I am just not going to allow that to happen. I have been lucky enough to have a few very incredible conversations in the last few nights. Last night I got to talk to a very close friend who is also an accountability partner. We were just exchanging our extreme passions for persuing Christ, and how it's going to be a scary thing to head back to school because neither of us want to change who we have become this summer. We were talking about running. Not just normal running, but running like when you are being chased by something real big. Or running like when you first see your girlfriend in the terminal for the first time in three months, or running like you would in a 100m sprint. No distractions. You are just looking strait at your goal, and nothing can stop you. Of course the run is always that much better when you have those running around you. This summer has been real hard. I just spent another night of an hour of sleep, packing the truck, than 14 more hours in the van. Only to leave again in a few days for Eastern Tennessee. It's easy to be brought down when those that surround you may not share the same passions, or atleast not to the same degree. It just takes some time to figure out who those people are that are running with you. I have been spending the last few days figuring out who those people are. And God has clearly showed me that, it's incredible. It couldn't come at a better time as well. Work has been hard. I had to take over the back stage manager position on the last 2 days of the last conference, as well as my own work load because my teamate had to go to a wedding. And then to top things off I am not finding out that I don't have the money to go to Eastern next semester. AND to top all of that off, I really want a home cooked meal... real bad! Hah. I know it's not as big as the others, but man I could go for it. But in the midst of all these problems I am truly finding out the benefits to being disciplined in my faith. It's reallyt an incredible feeling when you take a lot of that dependance off of yourself, and lay it on God's shoulders. Let me just throw it out there that he is definately better at dealing with it than I am. However it is a scary thought of not being able to pay for school this next year. God's provision has never failed me before. What usually happens is I don't trust Him, he comes through, and then I feel like an idiot. Granted, how he does things isn't always how I want or expect, but he pulls through. Doubt is a killer... I am tired of doubt. If anything though, I do believe in the power of prayer, so if you could help contribute, it would mean the world. So on a side note, I got to watch fireworks over Lake Michigan. It was a really cool show, and I was around a lot of really cool people. Unfortunately though, all of the Bible College students that have traveled with us all summer so far have parted ways. I don't know if I will see any of them again, but they have definately made a large impact in my life. If you are wondering what the BC Staff do, is they come and work for C.I.Y. in exchange we advertize their school at our events. They usually travel with a group all summer, but they are heading to a bigger event in Illinois. There were 10 of them from 5 schools, I'm really glad they were with us this summer. So alas, the end is somewhat in sight. We have one location left. We are heading to Lee University on Thursday for two weeks before we finish up in Joplin for a week or so. I need to let God use me to make this the most incredible two weeks ever. I will try to do a few more posts when I get there. Thanks for reading.

In Him,