You Spend Every Moment...

In John Ortberg's Book, Life You've Always Wanted he tells us a story about his youngest daughter Malory. Malory was just a few years old and John was helping her take a bath, when the unexpected happened. As she finished her bath Malory ran in to her room lacking clothes and started singing, De Dah, De Dah, De Dah. John followed closely behind as she continued belting her tune... De Dah, De Dah, De Dah. John then did what most parents at this point would do and he simply told Malory to stop. She responded with a quick and simple answer, Why? John Ortberg was baffled, then gradually he came to the conclusion that he honestly didn't know why. From that very moment he had decided that you spend every moment either living or waiting to live.

This is a great point and a valuable lesson. This is something I tried to remind myself over and over again going in to this summer. I talk a lot of exploring and adventures, but it's one thing to talk about it and another thing to DO IT. I therefore decided that this summer I was going to quit waiting to live and just simply... live.

Already I have done some really exciting things out here in Arizona, with a couple more on the way. To be honest I haven't had a whole lot of free time, but with the time I have had open, here are a couple of things I have been able to experience this summer:

1 - Rock Climbing - There is nothing more exciting than hanging from a rock over 70 feet in the air. This week I got to climb this incredible cliff that hung right over a beautiful lake. I got this exhilarating feeling over my whole body and just hung there for a second to look at the view and remind myself how incredible God is.

2 - Throwing Clay
- As part of Melissa and my weekly date night, I decided to surprise her and take her to this cool place called Desert Dragon Pottery. I know what you are thinking, what a perfect opportunity to act out that scene from the movie "Ghost." Well it was a ton of fun, and I think I may even be a natural!

3 - Phoenix Zoo
- It was real neat finally seeing a new Zoo. Although it was hot, Meliss and I got to hang out with some Giraffes, get up close and personal with some Apes, and have hours of awesome conversation!


This Friday a couple of us are going to take the ten mile trek to this incredible waterfall called Havasupai Falls nestled into the Grand Canyon. We're going to camp out under the falls and then hike out the next day. It's going to be tough, but from what I hear this place is completely worth it. In a week in a half I will be heading to the California Coast, and then shortly after that I will be visiting Sedona and Las Vegas.

I truly believe that God designed us for adventure. He did not design us for the mediocre lives that most of us are living. Get out there and talk to a stranger, do something to get your blood pumping, do something to show you're not afraid. At this point you have two options; you can sit at home, and never quite live or you can really truly ask yourself, have you had a De Dah day lately?