Can Faith and Science Coexist?

This is going to be a fun week in student ministries! We're in this series that "big church" did a year or two ago called Googling God. The idea behind it is, if you could Google God any question, what would it be. Every week they get these googling god cards and they fill them out to provide us with the question we will have to teach on the following week.

There are always a lot of very insightful questions. Some of the most popular being: What is God's will for my life? Whats the deal with evolution? Is the Bible just meant to be taken as stories that didn't happen to teach us something?

Of course you may always get some not deep questions like we have throughout this series such as: Why do boys suck? When am I going to die? and my favorite, What's going on?

As much as I would like to give my lesson about one of those last questions, this week I am going to be speaking on "can faith and science coexist?"

It should be a fun topic, and I enjoy theology a LOT is the upside. The down side is, when people start to hear things they don't agree with in this subject, (which WILL happen) then they can easily tune out from our lessons. So we'll see, wish me luck, and pray I don't mess it up!

I will post again in the next day or two with my answer to this question.