When the balancing act fails.

I'm hoping to shoot for a moment of transparency, so here we go...

Do you ever feel like you are just involved in one big balancing act. You are trying to balance your budget and your bills, you are trying to balance your friendships that you have with people, you are trying to balance your family, you are trying to balance your spouse or boyfriend or girlfriend, you are trying to balance your schoolwork, you are trying to balance your job, you are also trying to balance in some personal time, you are trying to balance time to read the Bible, pray, exercise, take a trip, do your hobby, clean the house, make/find meals and the million small things that are stacked up on top of that.

What do you do when you feel like I do.

You have been balancing it all, and then in one misstep or small crack in the road you feel it all beginning to fall down all around you.

The bills are adding up, your friendships aren't being tended to, your relationship isn't getting the attention it deserves, your grades are slipping, your job is not how you expected, your free time is non-existent or spent worrying about all of that other stuff and you don't know how to start picking up the pieces.

Well I havn't gotten to the part of the blog where I package up what you need to do in 3 simple and easy steps. I don't think this one works that way... not right now anyway.

I've got to go, I still have 9 more hours strait of class today before I go home and study, do a paper and play catch up.


Frank Chiapperino said...

Said a prayer for you tonight, I hope things get easier.