Coming Back For More!

In the last couple of weeks I completed my application to join C.I.Y (Christ In Youth) for a second term as an intern starting this May!

If you can remember back, the whole reason I started this blog was so my family and friends could keep track of me while I toured around the country. That summer was one of the hardest and most beneficial summers of my whole life. I got to see such incredible places, meet such incredible people and witness things that are truly indescribable.

I won't find out if I am accepted until January 15th, so I get a nice long wait period.

Some reasons I really enjoyed my summer with CIY is because...

A - I LOVE to travel. My last term with CIY brought me to many places I have never seen in the U.S. I got to see the most beautiful waterfall I have ever seen, I got to see lake Michigan, and I got to see the St. Louis Archway, just to name a few!

B - My home base is Joplin, Missouri. Although it sounds like a little random Midwestern town there are two things I really liked about it! 1 - They have 4394324324932- restaurants, and 2 - they get some HUGE thunderstorms!

C - The staff at CIY. The staff over there are some of the most fun, compassionate and talented people I have ever met in ministry. To even go beyond that I met dozens of youth pastors and renown speakers from all over the country! Great memories and awesome networking! Some of my best memories are going out to dinner with out crew after a long night of serving! I also was challenged at the same time by Jayson French. He was the director of the crew that I was with. He was a tough guy, but tough love taught me so much, he has been great influence on my life.

D - Worship. I love to worship. Few places know how to worship like C.I.Y does. When I had that all summer my relationship with God was in such a great place. These are only a few reasons of many that I hope this internship works out! I will keep you posted as I find out.

So I thought I would throw up a couple of pictures from my last summer with C.I.Y. Enjoy!

Pic 1 - The opening skit for the week was an awesome drama with Satan, Jesus, Adam and God the Father. I got to play Adam (obviously). This is me walking on Jesus' arms to get me back to God.

Pic 2 - This was my summer family, Me, Jess, Tara, Jennifer (Administrative Assistant), Brad and Jayson French (Director of Conferences).

Pic 3 - This was one of the few days we had to relax when on the road. It was a beautiful beach at New Holland, Michigan.


Jenster said...

I'll be praying about this, Bud.

Have you ever been to Lambert's - Home of the Throwed Rolls? There's one in Sprinfield and I highly recommend it! It's a ton of good old down home cookin' and all the rolls you can eat as long as you can catch them! Good times.