Jacked Up Priorities... We All Have Em'

From time to time it is important to have a little reminder in your life that you are getting your priorities messed up. I am sitting here in the Biard Library at Eastern studying for my Spanish test that I have at 12. I could pull my hair out right now. Some of this Spanish mine as well be gibberish. I am getting so frustrated because I really want to get a good grade in this class! I want to get a good grade in all my classes. If not to impress my family and friends, but to have more job options. Perhaps it's to prove to people that I am capable of such grades while still working full time. Or last of all it is because in the Bible it says that we should do everything as we would for the Lord.

I think I have it all wrong. I am stressing over quite possibly the dumbest thing ever. Let me throw you my priorities real quick.

1) God... My relationship with him, applying him to every part of my life, acknowledging that He is the only thing that will be consistent throughout eternity.

2) Family... Family is and in most cases should be the most meaningful and worked on relationships in your life. As far as this world goes, this is your support and people that will be there for you when everyone else isn't. Plus, my mom makes SICK grilled cheese.

3) Melissa... This is not just a normal friend. This is who I believe I will be spending a very long time with. She's my best friend and well, an obvious very important relationship. She will possibly be moving up the ranks sooner or later. ; )

4) Friends & Students... Taking care and loving on these people in my life is a very important thing. Jesus spent most of his life taking care of these people.

5) Everyone Else

Taking care of myself falls in here.

7) Work... I love my job and I take it very seriously. The well fare of many teens depends on me and Frank and April and whoever doing their jobs well.

8) School... I guess a stupid piece of paper (degree) matters so much to this country that this priority has to fall here.


So there they are... I am sitting here worrying about, and dumping all of this time into something that isn't even in my top 5 priorities. I'm sorry, I just don't believe that "there is a time for everything, including being a student" is a good excuse to EVER neglect what is truly important in your life...

As for doing everything as I would for God... well this verse makes a little more sense of that... "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not depend upon your own understanding. In everything you do, acknowledge Him and he will direct your path." -Proverbs 3:5

I can say that in any situation God would choose the path that brings love. It is our greatest command and our most ultimate goal. I think that perhaps instead of worrying about a test that I know I will pass, I can spend the time I would have spent worrying doing something productive like chatting with a friend. For chatting with a friend is something that I have neglected big time in the last 6 months. For that I am ashamed, but am starting to lean not on my own understanding.


I spent so much time doing _______ or worrying about ________ that I missed out on some much needed time I could have had _________ .