
Hi, my name is Adam, and I am arrogant...

Phew... it felt good to get that out.

Alright, once again Adam decides to start a blog with something completely out of left field, what's up with this guy?

People are really good at covering up what they aren't good at. People in general always seem to have their "stuff" together. I can tell you that I am definitely one of those people. I suffer from a common, but hidden disorder called "supermanosis"

If you are like me, and you have supermanosis, you feel like you have to have your stuff together. Some symptoms include, but are not limited to:

-Having a hard time letting people help you.

-Pretending to be good at what you really aren't good at.

-Feeling that you have to be strong for everyone.

-Frequent and explosive bowel movements.

Okay, so I made that last one up... But the rest are all frequent signs. I don't know where it started, but I ultimately have a really awful time being truly transparent. As a leader this is something that I am ashamed to throw out there. After a while though, all of that penned up "stuff", can come out in ways that aren't very productive.

Feeling like you aren't liked, or aren't good enough, or mediocre are some of the worst feelings you can have. I think that is why this disease is so prevalent. But there is good news:

You can make a full recovery, but unfortunately the recovery time can be years and years...

Some of the processes are as follows to begin your recovery:

1) Admit you have a problem
I can come across to people as arrogant on many occasions. I guess sometimes it's hard to figure out when you are being confident and when you are just being plain arrogant. I love all of the people I interact with, and I would never want them to feel like I am being condescending in any way. I think it stems back to never feeling like I am good enough, and that I have something to prove.

2) Make a conscience effort to fix it, stop pretending you are superman
Now that I am free to admit I have a problem, I hope that I can overcome it. Just telling people I suck at something is half the battle.

3) Accountability
If I were physically sick and in the hospital, many of you would come bedside to do anything you could, or even to just be there. the same goes for being spiritually or emotionally sick. If a brother in faith is struggling, don't watch him drown, help him out. Simply letting me know when I am being arrogant, or helping me talk to certain people a certain way can be such a helpful thing!

4) Prayer
God, I want to be humble. I think of all characteristics to describe Jesus, that would be one of the most important. I'm not always sure what it looks like to put others before yourself, but that is where I would like to be. Help me.

I'm not perfect, so I'm not going to keep pretending that I am, care to join me?


Mark Falcone said...


This is certainly one of my challenges. Pride is my second worst sin and I think this is the basis for what we do when we do our best to put out the perceptions that we do.

No, I am not Superman.
Yes, I need help from others and rarely let anyone in.
Yes, I am 'the big, strong, guy that wants to help others to aoivd that fact that I, in fact, am in need also.

Peacs, Love & Understanding,
