Just how much is 700 Billion Dollars?

If you are like me, then you are very aware of the current economic "distress" that our country is battling with right as we speak. About five minutes ago I just witnessed the House pass the one time rejected 700 billion dollar bailout plan to save the unethical banks. Only this time it passed because it has all of the bells and whistles that it needs. So I thought to myself... Self... Just how much money is 700 Billion dollars. I means... It's just fun to say...

Think Dr. Evil here...

(Pinky finger pointed at your lips) Seven-Hundred-BILLLLLION ZILLION FAFILLION Dollars!

Let me break it down for you, with 700 Billion dollars we can:

~~Have 12 Bill Gateses

~~We could give $2,300 to every man, woman and child in the country.

~~We could buy almost ALL of the circulated coins and bills in the country.

~~We could build a stack of dollar bills that goes 1/5 of the way TO THE MOON.

~~We could take 700 years of all of Mcdonald's hamburgers sold.

~~We could buy 39 million Ford F-150's.

~~We could buy 350 fully functional Space Ships!


~~We could cover the whole 2007 budget of the U.S. department of health and human services

~~It's NINE times the amount spent on education last year.

~~It's 35 times the amount spent on all foreign aid most years AND LAST OF ALL

~~It's about the same amount of money given to all charitable organizations in any two year span...

~~Last but not least, it is the total yearly income of most youth pastors in America... (go ahead... keep a strait face when you say that one)

Man... that's a lot of dough. CHECK THE VID!