A one in a million chance... I LIKE THOSE ODDS!

Today my beautiful girlfriend Melissa sent me information for a great opportunity. She sent me a link to a scholarship for full time college students who blog! I fit the bill woo hoo! Anywho, I got very excited about it and applied immediately! What happens is the judges will review all of the blogs, their content and personality and pick a top 10. The top ten will be posted online for the public to begin voting. If you win top place you get a $10,000 scholarship! (check it out HERE) That would be such a blessing. It would be the first time since I have been in college that I don't have to find out the day before classes that I had enough money in to start school. I know there are some pretty incredible people out there with such awesome perspectives to share, but a man can dream...

I thought I would post the essay I submitted for the scholarship, perhaps you will learn something new! (had to be less than 300 words:)

"So I don’t have some incredible story of how I escaped death, and I definitely don’t have anything very political worth paying attention to. However, jumping into the “blogosphere” has been more than an adventure for me. People always ask me why I blog, and there is never a simple answer. It is not because I am on some big ego trip, or that I think I have something better to say than anyone else... But I do have something different to say. I had originally started my blog so that friends and family could keep in touch with me as I toured the country with an organization called C.I.Y. throwing huge conferences. I spent each week in a different city, and the things I saw and the people I met were definitely worth telling anyone who cared. After my travels I took a small break from blogging while going to school full time and doing full time youth ministry. I then quickly rediscovered a whole new reason to pour my thoughts, my emotions, my joys and my weaknesses onto a screen for the world to see. I had picked up a book called “Dangerous Wonder” by Mike Yaconelli. He is a man of strong faith and great conviction, he pushed people to live a life full of adventure, mystery and at times hardship. It meant stepping out of your comfort zone, getting out of your box, and learning to live dangerously. This opened my eyes. There is a whole lot of life out there that I had not been living. It only takes one person to make a change. If through reading what one reckless 21 year old man of faith says, one person in this world makes their life more uncomfortable... my blog was a huge success..."


Jenster said...

Dude!!! I know last year's winner!! Seriously!! She's a fellow Mothers With Cancer author and her blog, The Merits of the Case, was the winner last year.

So maybe my vote will be the common denominator???

Good luck!!