The Power of the Church

At points in the years of the early church, the church had powers equal to or even superior to the governments in which they had operated. Faith is one of those things that can really move people who come together for a common cause.

It may not work together the same way it did in the past, but churches still have the power to make people MOVE...

So that is precisely what I am going to ask you to do.

Use the power of networking to help for a common cause.

It has recently been brought to my attention that local government has been running a campaign to force several residents out of their homes in favor of the placement of a park/trail running right next to the local Perkiomen Valley schools. Three things about this I don't like...

1 - One of the elderly couples that are being FORCED out of their long term home are the parents of someone in my church family. They do not want to move, and they would only be compensated a disgusting fraction of their land value.

2 - It would bring the popular Perkiomen Trail very close to the schools. The same trail that has had several accounts of "attacks" happening on it in it's past.

3 - We together can not stand for the bullying of anyone, especially the elderly, who cannot stand for themselves the way they need to... For more information follow this link --> and follow the instructions on how to help our church community take a stand.

Thank you...


Anonymous said...

2 - It would bring the popular Perkiomen Trail very close to the schools. The same trail that has had several accounts of "attacks" happening on it in it's past.

While I agree that this couple should not be forced from their land at the government's offered price - your second point is not a fully logical argument. Although attacks have been occurring on the trail, moving the trail near schools will not necessarily put school children at a higher risk.

Now, putting the trail near the schools could allow students and to use more ecologically sustainable means of transportation to commute to and from the schools within the Perkiomen Valley school district, it is highly unlikely that these commutes would be occurring during prime-attack hours or that most, or any, parents would allow their children to utilize the trail's eco-friendly benefits in unsafe and unguarded ways.

While it is unfair to have the couples moved from their land at such an under-valued price, the greater good of the community and the planet are also at stake. Giving clear trail access to the schools, where much of the heavily CO-2 emitting traffic in the Perkiomen Valley School District is headed, would allow the district as a whole to cut their CO2 emissions and many of the ecologically adverse effects of driving.

These two couples are being undervalued and unfairly appraised by the local government, the ability of our earth to sustain itself to allow future generations to live is constantly compromised by the severe limitations on eco-friendly transportation and other practices in the suburban areas that were designed with automobile use in mind. Americans were unaware of the adverse effects of automobile use when areas like Collegeville and the rest of the Perkiomen Valley were developed, but now that we are able to understand the impact of our actions, it is our moral responsibility to cut our carbon and ecological footprints and ensure our planet's heath for future generations and it is small steps, such as finding ways to allow for ecologically-sustainable modes of transportation, that ensure an overall global change.