Dating... Let me be blunt.

So tonight was an interesting night. I gave a message about dating to a bunch of very curious middle and high school students. I took a much different approach to the night. I decided to make it much more personal and conversational. I got to talk about my relationship with Melissa and shared some real cool stuff from our relationship. I got off the stage and walked around the middle of a large circle that the kids were sitting in. A few things that were noticeably different.

- The students enjoyed a view of dating that wasn't just from the DON'T HAVE SEX side of things. It was nice to just talk solely about dating and relationships and not have to feel like it was me just throwing down a bunch of rules. I encouraged them to ask some really hard questions, and think deeply about the answers they may run into. The "sex" series is still a bit away because it is a common subject of our summer speakers that we use for Stretch and Escape.

- The students enjoyed having a conversational message. I never wanted to get off the stage because I am young, I want to stay on the stage and form some type of authority before I get off of it. I know that sounds weird, but it was cool to be able to be down on the floor and be able to meet kids where they are at.

- I struck a nerve with a whole bunch of students. I think it was hard to hear that the whole dating thing is a little more difficult than they think it may be. There was a lot of hard questions asked tonight, I hope over the next couple of weeks the students start the process of trying to answer them!

-It was VERY fun to be able to talk about my Melissa allll night. Any time she is the topic, I can go on for hours. I did go well over my time, but with her as the subject, we're lucky I didn't talk until midnight!

I also shared a video that I promised some students that I would put on my site. This is a movie that I made for Melissa a loooooong time ago. It is incredible embarrassing, and very corny, but hey, that's me. Hope you enjoy!

Me and Melissa!


Melissa: said...

a) I think this is one of the best topics you've blogged about! ;)

b) Isn't it time for a new video?

Jenster said...

Since I was doing registration last night I only saw bits and pieces of your talk. BUT I heard a lot about it after and what I heard was awesome. Exactly what these kids need to hear.

As a parent I just want to say THANK YOU!

MamaJ said...

TEARS !!!!!
You are so gifted!
Thank you for Loving the way GOD intends us to Love
I am so proud to know you!
I think it's great for teens to learn that some of those "fairytale relationships"are possible through following the way GOD wants them to happen!
I admire your strenght in followint HIS will!
(get me one of those!)