A God Given Gift to Endure... Hold On...

James tells us, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds..." I don't know about all of you, but when you are having a rough day in Suckville, Pennsylvania, the last word you would most likely equate with your "trial" is joy.

I would agree that through those trials though that you can find joy in knowing that the next time around you will be a stronger, more informed and ready person.

In that you can certainly muster the nerve to find some joy.

I always find that when I speak about this type of subject, how you think about it drastically changes depending on the mood you may find yourself in. Have you ever tried to post about joy through trials when you are just having a really tough time finding the strength to find joy in trials?

I wanted to make note of a few things that I have found joy in over the last couple of weeks that have certainly had their trials that may be difficult to find joy in

I found joy in some certain gifts that God has given me. These gifts are gifts that get me by the really long and hard times. I wanted to share them with you for the sole purpose of knowing that there may be something in your life that God has blessed you with in hard times.

1 ) The gift of "EBS"... that is right, God has blessed me with Energizer Bunny Syndrome. I feel like no matter what gets put in my path I just keep going and going and going... When I tell people things that are on my agenda, or something that required my whole night they wonder how the heck I can still be awake and ready for action. I really do believe God has given me the ability to PHYSICALLY overcome the Dangerous Wonder lifestyle.

2) The ability to laugh... Please don't ever be offended if I am in a really hard spot and I just start to... laugh. There are two key times recently where I think most people would have started crying, but I chose to laugh. The first was when Brendon Foulke and I had to take apart a car in a junk yard with no tools because we got them stolen. (Sorry Mike Carter, we love you man) We were covered in oil, we had dozens of cuts, we were hot as crap and nothing was going our way... we laughed. The second was last week when I spent almost the entire night dealing with a very dark situation with some students. At one point in the night I just remember looking up, and laughing. Someone who isn't all down and beat up can definitely more effectively handle a situation and make those around them feel better. I'm not sure if that is why I do it, or if it is my defense from crying, but either way, these are two things that God has given me to start to see a little joy through trials.