A Conversation with Satan and God...

(45 minutes prior to speaking the message at CCV this evening)

Adam: I am so sick of these people acting stupid...

Satan: You should be... No one who acts like that deserves to get treated well in return.

God: Adam, you know everyone deserves love... what about that sermon you gave on Love?

Satan: God, are you kidding me... Adam, just because you are a Christian doesn't mean you have to let people walk all over you...

Adam: You're right...

God: Adam, remember what my Son went through to show his love? I think you can take some teens acting their age...

Adam: I feel like I can only take so much before I hit a breaking point...

Satan: (seeing an opportunity) Have you ever thought about not doing ministry? I mean... you would be good at a lot of other things... You shouldn't have to deal with this.

God: Satan, you watch yourself... This is not one of those undecided humans with a house built on sand. Adam... you know you can get through this. Every hard day you have had has always made you stronger.

Adam: Why do I feel so angry today.

Satan: Because you feel like you are responsible for all these people that I already won over.

God: Adam... Look at me... Ignore him... Look at me... I am holding you up as you are falling down... I promise to help you back up... I am here with you for the long haul... I will give you the strength you need to overcome... I have given you specific gifts to do my specific work... All of these things I have promised you, and all of these things I will fulfill. I love you. Lift your head my son. Let's move towards the stage... Hold my hand while you are speaking tonight, and I will give you the words you need.

Satan: Are you going to buy tha....

Adam: (interrupting) ENOUGH... this is one man of God you may not touch... and one battle you will always lose... leave this place now... God I am sorry... I know I fall short, yet you love me anyway. Let's do this...


Anonymous said...

Hey Adam,

I know we haven't really had any interaction since high school (not that we had a lot then either), but I just wanted to say I am incredibly impressed with everything I've read on your blog. I'm even hesitant to call it such as it is so well done and full of so much more meaning than just an everyday blog.

While I may not agree with the complete basis and meaning of what you write, I have to say you shape the words you think into something to be envied. I'm not exactly a "believer" as you might say, but I am amazed and jealous of your dedication and passion for something I could probably never match. I saw your site on your Facebook profile just twenty minutes ago and was captivated by you abilities to produce such creative, skilled, and enticing pieces of writing. I'm already finished reading your September posts, and can't wait to read the rest.

I sincerely am jealous of your abilities, your love, and your successes. I wish I was not such a, pardon me, screw-up and was as successful and developed as you are. I manage to mess a lot of things up, but you appear to have just about everything going well for you, and I hope that continues for you as I'm sure it will. You've come a far way from the funny goofball kid I knew in high school, to a funny, intelligent goofball grown up gentleman that is guiding kids and other adults on paths to better their lives and that sure is something special.

Now I didn't want to start writing this to make myself look like a total self-pitying loser. I was writing this to praise you, let you know that I am truly jealous of the man you've become and hope that someday I can get myself in gear and figure out how to do something with my life, and here's to you for helping me really realize that. Yowza run on sentence! I hope I can find the guides and support you have found, used, and now become.

As for love, it's really incredible that you and Melissa are still together and I'm very happy for you both. My girlfriend and I are just about to hit one full year (yeah I know! Someone can put up with me for that long, go figure) and it's been an amazing time and I couldn't wish for anything more when it comes to her/us. I hope she and I continue as well and as solidly as it seems you and Melissa have, good luck and faith to us all in that.

I suppose you're getting sick and bored of reading the poorly structured and written ramblings of a friend of old, so I'll wrap it up by just once more saying I'm impressed by what I've read here, what I've seen, and what you're doing. I just hope I can somehow figure out how to be successful and amass to something even close to what you're doing for yourself and others.

Have a very good one Adam, and I hope to hear back from you sometime, even if only to say "hey."

Thank you for beginning to open my eyes to what I can become and what I should do, here's to hoping I can keep it up.

Ryan LaBella