An Ode to the BUSY

So it has come again. I am going to embark on yet another journey through the ranks of Eastern University. I am really looking forward to a lot of classes that I am taking this semester. I am also looking forward to the challenge of the balancing act that will occur at the same time.

Let me explain.

Yes, I am looking forward to going to Eastern University and taking almost 20 credits, working 25+ (most likely plus) hours running the Christ's Church of the Valley student ministry with Ape, Alex Ben and Frank, playing in-line hockey at 422 SportsPlex, having a incredibly beautiful and devoted girlfriend to see as much as possible, a house 30 minutes from all of that and of course friends and family.

But Why?

Well you want to know why? Because that is what "real life" is most likely going to be like.

When I am older and in a profession, the world doesn't usually stop so you can take a breath, you have to learn how to breathe in the midst of the madness.

If you are a pastor at a church or a professional of some sort, but you also have a husband or wife and kids, you already have a much harder job then I will have this semester. Heck, from what I hear, just having kids ALONE is a much harder gig than what I am about to do!

(MAD props to all of your parents out there... this is one kid saying, I definitely have no idea what you go through)

So taking on a few extra things that I enjoy this season to keep myself busy... it's surely alright with me...

Check out my classes!:

Jesus and the Gospels
Youth Ministry Programming
Wisdom Literature
Christian Marriage
Spanish II
Youth Ministry Field Placement
Youth Ministry in an Urban Setting