Switching Gears...

So we just finished up Stretch with a Sunday service and NOW we are in FULL blown Kids Camp Big Top mode. I am also going to celebrate today being the first day working less than 12 hours in weeks! Woo Hoo!

But, besides all of that, Kids Camp kicked off without problems today. We hit a record number of pre-registered students, hitting over 800 kids! That is incredible! It's amazing the outreach capabilities our church has just from a kids camp!

So this isn't much of a fun or inspirational post. This is me saying, "guys, we're almost there...". Coming up all we have to do it Escape for a high school ministry, and then a day or two off! YEAH BOY. Gosh I am tired, I think I am going to nap. Perhaps I will get a post in later tonight.

Ps. I want to throw a happy 21st birthday out there to my fellow intern Brendon Foulke. We will be heading to Texas Road House tonight to celebrate before coming back here to swim with a bunch of fellow student ministry folks who have been helping with Kids camp. Keep praying for our camps and the families attending.

Love and Wonder,


Frank Chiapperino said...

Dude you worked your butt off and I am proud of ya.