The storms are rolling in.

DISCLAIMER: This post was done in the midst of a rough night and major fatigue, sorry if it's not the clearest. I judt didn't care about grammar or structure, it's all over the place. So if you have a.d.d. than this post is for you.

I have hit a spot where I know the closer I get to seeing God more clearly, the harder The "God of this World" will try to fog up my life for me, and that is how this week has been. I wasn't quite sure if it was possible for work to get any harder... but it did. This whole last week minus one day we got huge thunderstorms, and rain, and more rain... This of course slowed down our work bigtime. We worked just as hard, but it really cripled us all to have to work inside in smaller workspaces. Wednesday we moved two whole sets into Memorial Hall, which is their town hall/theatre/gym/everything space. These sets are huge, they take up about the space of two semi trucks when completely packed and it took up plenty of our time. On top of that we have been learning all of the acting parts for the conferences as well. There is still so much work to be done, and it is hard to believe that I will be hitting the road one week from today for Anderson, Indiana for our first conference. Now to the part of my life that has been all over the place. I want to try to explain this kind of cosmic duelism that is existing in my life on a daily basis. Some of you may understand how when you strive for God more, obviously Satan is wanting to slow you down even more. The positive part of the situation is the intense amount of growth and stretching happening to me. Between being away from home, and going out there and working hard for the Kingdom, there are some more factors to the growing. Picture this: Think of yourself around the Christian you know with the most wisdom. This person may be your senior pastor, a family member, or just someone who just has "been there and done that" many times before. Now picture yourself also with the Christian you know with the most passion. That person whose heart breaks for Christ. The person who is just so visibly in love that it is absolutely contagous. Now the last thing I want you to visualize is being around twenty people like that all the time. C.I.Y. is an extremely gifted and passionate organization. I feel like every time I turn around I am learning a new lesson from a staff member, or from another intern, or whoever it may be. It's pretty awesome really learning to be wrong for the first time, I mean reallllly learning how to be wrong. It's incredible to learn that it's not about me. Every day I feel one day stronger than the day before. It wasn't until the last two nights where I finally felt the attacks against me. Sometimes when you surround yourself with such people it becomes very easy to not feel sufficient enough. Of course a terrific trick to make us feel that way, but lethal none the less. When you are in a group as large as 23, it sometimes becomes easy to be left out, or to not quite know your identity. I just have to keep remembering my identity is in Christ, and the rest will just happen. The second attack came to me tonight, and it was a real rough blow. I had in a round about way found out about a close friend from home coming down on me for talking about scripture among them, and busting out my Word when I am around other Christians. It is hard for me to explain the complete situation, it was just something very hurtful tonight, I am still sorting through it. The Word of God is our life. It's the story of our past. It is the guiding light in a world of darkness. It is the answer to all problems. It is the source of everything good. I refuse to believe that pulling it out among all "Christians" is a problem. It is incredible to see believers getting excited about the words our King of Kings speaks. I will always understand that it can make non-believers uncomfortable. I understand you can never shove God down anyones throat. But I strongly think the Bible is something we should NEVER be ashamed of. For the two people that defended that point in my place, you know who you are. Thank you sincrerely. Not just for defending me, but for defending what you know as right,as true... So that was my happenings tonight. I am sure I will persevere through it. I will be working again tomorrow on Saturday, then I think I will take a trip to Kansas City, so that should be cool. I am really interested to hear anyones thoughts on the pulling out of the Word of God among Christians in a non-Bible study setting. Any stories/ comments would mean a lot to me. Keep loving.
