The rollercoaster ride...

So let me start from the top. I know it has been quite some time since my last blog. This has not been because I have not had the will, or because I forgot, but simply because for the first time ever, I really had absolutely no time... So we drove from Joplin Saturday morning. It was a 10 hour drive, but it wasn't so bad. We got to stop in St. Louis for a little while which was a new experience. It was pretty cramped with Jason French's (CIY Director) Whole family in the van too, but their company was very enjoyable. We arrived late Saturday, did a Wal-Mart run, then jumped into bed. The next morning was the first long morning. We had to unload the whole 18 Wheel Semi and set up all the equipment and stage. I thought because we had to do all of that, that it was going to be the hardest day of the week. Boy was I wrong. Ever since we started the conference, it has just been one crazy emotional rollercoaster. I'm not talking about your average wooden coaster either, I'm talking one of those coasters that go up to where you start to lose gravity, and then spirals a million miles an hour down into the crust of the earth. The first thing I was in charge of was welcomeing committee for all of the churches. Basically when a church got here (Anderson Indiana) we would greet the youth pastors, help them get to registration, pray with the whole group, then take them out of their vans and play games with them. Well this is a smaller week and there were 35 Churches, so it was very crazy. Luckily working for me I had Bible College Reps. Basically these college kids travel around with us and in exchange for us letting them showcase their college to the high school kids, They work for us. They are all so much fun, I really enjoy all of their company. They are from all over the country, so it is also interesting just hearing about all these cool places around the country. After that I am responsible for many things happening on stage. I'm back stage making things work. I also ran a huge basketball tornament Tuesday, and A large talent show yesterday. PS. For all my peeps back home. Please tell all of these people it is pronounced TORN-UH-MENT. For come crazy reason they keep bustin my guns telling me it is TURN-UH-MENT! So on a more serious note. I can't begin to explain my day yesterday, or any day for that matter, so I will do what I can. We worked probably 14 plus hours and I had enough time for a quick lunch but that was it. Going to bed at probably 1 because of having to do security rounds at night, and waking up at 6:40. It is the first time we have done the conference so it is all new for us. Constantly taking orders, constantly running around, constantly instructing BC staff, constantly learning new things, constantly messing up. It is incredibly hard, frustrating, and most of all tiring. But here is where the other side comes in. At the same time, there is nothing more rewarding. Yesterday, honestly, I just felt like crying. Unfortunately I couldn't cry if I tried, but here is as close as I can come to explaining how I felt. Women I think will understand this more. Have you just had so much going on, have you even just been so emotionally stressed, and so confused and tired that you just want to cry, well it was a lot like that. Three things changed my life that night. The first: To get into the back of the auditorium from backstage you need go outside and walk around. I was so frustrated to the point where I wanted to just forget about being Christian for just like five minutes and just swear someone out. Some of you may frown upon me saying that, but if you say you have never felt that way before than I'm certain you are lying. Anyway, just after I walked outside, I saw this girl outside just balling her eyes out. With this girl were two of her sponsors just praying over here. This girl was being so broken. I looked over, and I saw myself three years ago. It took just that one second of thinking about it before I felt like absolute skum. I realized real quick that this wasn't about me. I may have been frustrated, but through my hard work, and pain, and frustration, this girl is seeing Jesus's face clearly for the first time... So I make my way inside finally, and the speaker was incredible. SHE delivered a message like I never have before. I caught up with her later and just explained that I had never seen a women so captivating. (disclaimer: what was the most incredible thing for me is the odds women in ministry have with really being able to make the room hers and preach it her way) These kids were so touched by her message that I would say half of the room was praying or crying with someone else in the room. I can't tell you how many kids made a decision to come to Christ that night, but I can tell you I couldn't see a whole lot of the floor up front... And the third thing, as I was talking through the auditorum that night A teen had stopped me. This is a teen I had challeneged on an earlier day to stop me and pray with me if he ever sees me. So he came up to me and was like, "dude, can we pray" and we did. It was incredible. I prayed for him, he prayed for my strength, I could not have needed it any more. God always provides, we just may never see it that way. So as You can see, this has been a true rollercoaster for me. This morning went really well, and now for the first time I have a little free time to write this blog, do a devo, read the work and finallllllly nap a little bit! FINALLY!! WOO HOO! But anyway, it will be good for me. There are a million other things I could write right now, but for the sake of carpeltunnel I will let you go. If you could keep me in your prayers that would be incredible, I really could use every one I can get. Thank you so much for reading. God Bless.

-His Servant,