A piece of history

So as many of you are surely aware of, the Democratic process to pick a nominee to represent the party has been quite a battle. You have Barack Obama, a symbol of hope, but also inexperience. And then you have Hillary Clinton, a symbol of Experience but distrust. And then you have them both attacking the Republican Nominee John McCain, stating "we don't need a 3rd term of George Bush."

I must admit, that throughout this election I have gotten more than interested. I watch CNN pretty much every day to support my candidate of interest Barack Obama. I run into some very large pros and cons that I occasionally am not sure how to handle.

The Cons - His liberal stance. I really like what he stands for and what he represents and how he presents himself and his solutions for this country. However, can I support a candidate who clearly does not oppose abortion? I know many people of faith love to get fired up on politics when someone doesn't back pro-life. However, what if I believed that my candidate would save more lives with his good stance on health care, defense and the economy? I mean, no matter who gets elected, r0e vs. wade will never get overturned.

The Pros - From the start Barack Obama has been a symbol of HOPE for everyone. I have never heard a speaker who can get such a crowed fired up with the point that our country is going in the wrong direction, and He is the one to do something about it. He will fight the race barrier and the inexperience barrier to prove that we together as a people can change this world.

Curiosity finally got the best of me when I decided to head to a rally in the City. I went to hear him speak in front of the historic mile in between the constitution center, the liberty bell and town hall. Me and 35,000 others screamed out O-BA-MA as "Will I AM" from the black eyed peas sang "Where is the Love". As you can guess I was standing up on a platform starting the chant myself with the cool sign my lovely girlfriend got for me. I waited for 4 hours to hear a 25 minute speech. This was the largest Obama rally in history, right where it all began in Philly. Perhaps one day that speech, and this man will be a huge part of our history. Feel free to share your thoughts.


Anonymous said...

OK, it's not that Obama doesn't oppose abortion, but that he supports it all the way through the 3rd trimester. Please look into what late term abortion looks like and tell me it's not worth standing up about.