Up in the air...

And so this is it... Tomorrow is my last day in the office. We have a lake party on Wednesday for all CIY staff and interns, and then I fly home that night/Thursday morning. Not only is this the end to an incredibly long and impacting summer, but this is also a really difficult transition as well. I will be going from this crazy pace in this odd part of the country, to my home sweet home. I will also be finding out in the next few days whether I can even go back to school for another year because of money. I really am learning so much, even from something so small. It's really easy for us to want to do what we have our hearts set on, and be heartbroken if it doesn't quite work out that way. It's a lot harder to truly let God have the wheel, and sit back and enjoy the road. Even if He's driving somewhere you may not even expect to be driving. I didn't really expect him to drive me here this summer, or to Eastern... I mean heck... I never even expect him to drive me anywhere I really expect to go. Yesterday I spoke with Jayson French about not being sure if I could go back to school, and he told me that he could find me a youth ministry job pretty much anywhere in the country. He is networked beyond my belief. Jayson is in charge of all of CIY's major conferences. He probably meets 1000 youth pastors a year. I had never thought of being a huge part of a youth ministry any time soon. I had never thought it possible to be done going to school for now. Many things are up in the air, and all I can do sometimes is trust where God is leading me right now. I mean I could continue asking myself, "why don't things ever go as a planned?", "where am I supposed to be?", "God how come I can't..." and on and on and on... Until I come to the reality that I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be. My ministry will follow me. The lessons I learn will always be there, just through different things and people. Theres a verse in James that has really helped me keep my chin high throughout any times when I just wasn't sure what is to become of me. Check it out, James 4:13-15:

13Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money." 14Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. 15Instead, you ought to say, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that."

I guess you could say I really have no idea what is going to happen tommorrow. I am just a midst. To tell you the truth, yeah. I'm ready to come home. I really want to go to Eastern again. I Want a lot of things. But here are some things I know. I know I have a family that is really excited for me to come home. I have the best friends in the whole world. I have a church that I love, and a church community that really cares about me. I have a beautiful little lady that loves God way more than me, and I wouldn't have it any other way. So I guess, yeah... when I look at it that way. Even if I have no idea what is going to happen to me when I come back home, back to reality... That if it's the Lord's will... yeah, I'm just gunna do this, or that... and it's going to be amazing...

So thank all of you that have kept up with my journey throughout the summer. It has been an incredible experience, and I look forward to sharing with you all when I get home. God has taught me more than I thought possible this summer. Taught me how to serve. Taught me how to humble down, and most importantly how to love... If you have been reading this blog all summer, and you only got one thing from it, I hope it is that Love... love is the answer to it all. So I should really get to bed, one last day of work. The lake party, then the airport. Then just like my life, I will again, be Up in the air...

In Him,
